Privacy Policy for Personal Data Collected by the professionals of Ostéopathie Lac St-François

Why is my personal data collected?

General personal information (name, phone number, and email) is collected and accessed by the organization’s staff when making an appointment or when the organization needs to contact the client on an ad hoc basis.

Medical and health information (date of birth, treating physician, medical conditions, consultation notes) is collected by the professional chosen by the client in order to offer osteopathy or massage therapy services.

If this information were to be used for any other reason, the client’s consent must be obtained beforehand.

Who has access to personal data?

General personal information is collected and accessed by professionals (osteopaths, massage therapists) of the organization when the client requests to be called. The health record information is only accessed by the professional when the client voluntarily makes an appointment with that professional.

Professionals at Ostéopathie Lac St-François Clinic commit to accessing medical and health records only when necessary, for example, when the client asks for information contained therein during an appointment or consultation.

We do not disclose your personal information to anyone outside the clinic without your consent, except to:

  • our suppliers of goods or services, or any organization or individual whose services have been retained to perform certain functions on our behalf (e.g., data processing, document management, etc.). We take the necessary contractual or other measures to ensure that these third-party suppliers of goods or services process your personal information solely for the purposes we have determined and provide a level of personal information protection comparable to that which we offer;
  • any entity in the event of a merger or change of control, in whole or in part, and only if the parties conclude an agreement according to which the collection, use, and communication of the information are limited to the objectives of the commercial transaction;
  • any public authority if the law requires it.

We do not transmit your personal information to a promotional partner unless you have specifically consented to the communication of your personal information to them.

We may also disclose your personal information for the following reasons: (1) to comply with the law, regulation, a judicial order, or other legal process; (2) to enforce your agreements with us, including this Privacy Policy; or (3) to respond to claims that your use of the Service violates the rights of a third party. Professionals also commit not to disclose client personal information unless the law and their code of ethics compel them to do so.

How data is stored

General personal information as well as medical and health information are stored separately on the online platform Gorendezvous. No information is stored directly on our electronic devices. Access to the platform is protected by a password, as are the electronic devices used by the staff.

Duration of personal data storage

Client records will be kept for a minimum of 5 years following the last note entered in the file due to the professional nature and legal and ethical obligations of the professional. However, access to the file can at any time be limited to professionals who have consulted the client by contacting the company’s personal information protection officer.

Otherwise, we will retain your personal information with us until the purpose of their collection is fulfilled or as long as necessary to meet the objectives for which they were collected.

How to access personal data collected by the organization

A client has access to personal information collected about them by making a verbal or written request to one of the clinic’s professionals who is authorized to access their information. The information will be transmitted to the client electronically within a reasonable time.

How to file a complaint about the use of my personal data

Complaints about the privacy of client personal data can be submitted by phone or email and will be processed as soon as possible by Philippe Aubé ( / 450 217-1023), the personal information protection officer at Ostéopathie Lac St-François. The officer will contact the complainant by phone or email to record the complaint in the confidentiality incident register and take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of harm, prevent the incident from recurring, and if necessary, notify the Québec Access to Information Commission.

What about the website?

Our website may use cookies, web beacons, invisible pixels, log files, or other technologies to collect certain personal information related to visitors on our websites as well as recipients of our newsletters, invitations, and other communications. Cookies are pieces of information transmitted by the server to the browser during a visit to the Internet site, which uniquely identify the current connection. This data may include information such as your Internet address (IP), browser type, browser version, the pages of our site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.

Cookies allow us to retain certain information about your use of the website, including the date of your most recent visit, the pages viewed, and files downloaded. Cookies enable us to tailor our website to better match the interests and preferences of visitors. On each visit to our site, you will be able to calibrate the types of cookies that you accept. Furthermore, most web browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block them, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please refer to your browser’s instructions to learn more about these functions.

External Hyperlinks Displayed on Our Site

Our website may contain links to third-party-operated websites. By clicking on these links, you leave our site. We have no control over the operation of these websites, and their listing on our site does not in any way commit our responsibility. All personal information that you transmit through these sites will be subject to the personal information protection policy of those sites.